Jitender Kumar

Jitender Kumar

The multi-faces of Dishevelled protein

Supervisor: Konstantinos Tripsianes, Ph.D.

Institution: Masaryk University, Faculty of Science

Field of study: Structural Biology


About my project

Wnt signaling pathway is crucial during the development of an organism and later in homeostasis. Dishevelled protein plays a central role in directing the output of this pathway in an ordered fashion. The rearrangements induced in Dishevelled by phosphorylation are of great importance in understanding the mechanisms of Wnt signaling.

This is a basic biology research project. Wnt signaling pathway deregulation is linked with many diseases, developmental defects and disorders. The mechanisms governing this signaling cascade are mainly regulated by Dishevelled. Studying Dishevelled conformational changes will not only shed light on Wnt signaling regulation but also would provide insights for the intervention of several diseases where the expression of Dishevelled is up-regulated.

Where I see myself in my career in 10 years

In my future career, I would like to continue in academics and attain a position where I can explore my interest in basic biology, studying “Cell cycle regulation mechanisms”.

What I like most about Brno

Brno is full of life. At first place, professionally I have gotten a best place to work; on the other hand, always there are some events to cherish in my leisure time.