Highly Efficient Reliability Analysis
Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Drahomír Novák, DrSc.
Institution: Institute of Structural Mechanics
Field of Study: Civil engineering, Structures and Track Constructions
About my project
The proposed project is focused on development of reliability methods for practical applications. Due to high economical and safety requirements for structures, a combination of non-linear finite element method and reliability analysis is performed more frequently for design and analysis of new and existing structures nowadays. However, it is still highly time consuming to perform analysis of real structures using existing methods, thus development of new efficient methods is crucial task.
I will be main investigator of project and I will solve all tasks under supervision of prof. Drahomír Novák. Specific problems e.g. implementing methods to software and practical applications will be discussed with expert consultants.
Where I see myself in my career in 10 years
I would like to successfully finish my Ph.D. study in field of structural mechanics with focus on reliability of structures in 2021. I can see myself in 10 years as associate professor at Institute of Structural mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. Also I would like to cooperate with software developing companies in field of mathematical modelling (e.g. Cevenka Consulting).
What I like most about Brno
I like that Brno is student city with friendly atmosphere and plenty of cultural and culinary events taking place here.Lukáš Novák