The role of microRNAs in transformation of follicular lymphoma
Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Mgr. Marek Mráz, Ph.D
Institution: CEITEC MU and University Hospital Brno
Field of Study: Hematology
About my project
Follicular lymphoma is a non-aggressive type of hematological cancer. An adverse event in the course of this disease is its transformation to an aggressive type, which is associated with very poor prognosis. Our project aims to understand the role of microRNAs in this process.
This project is the outline and main content of my planned PhD project. I am the only student working on this project, I perform the experiments, analyze data and present our results in the future.
Where I see myself in my career in 10 years
After I finish my PhD studies I plan to find a post-doc position abroad in a great publishing group. I think that spending time abroad is crucial for a professional career and personal growth of every scientist. I would like to learn new skills, publish in high impact journals and get ready to lead my own research group in the future.
What I like most about Brno
I love that Brno is an historic city with youthful atmosphere and high-end research facilities.