Projekt SoMoPro

Informace pro žadatele


6. výzva programu SoMoPro - podzim 2016 - TATO VÝZVA JE UZAVŘENA A NEJDE SE DO NI HLÁSIT!

KDO A JAK SE MŮŽE přihlásit:

Žadatel podává pouze jednu přihlášku společně s hostitelskou institucí v Jihomoravském kraji - prohlédněte si náš přehled hostitelských institucí.



Podpůrné dokumenty:


Seminář pro žadatele:

Pro žadatele do programu jsme uspořádali ve dnech 3. 10. a 12. 10. informační seminář. Záznam ze semináře najdete ZDE. Samotná prezentace je ke stažení ZDE.

Několik často kladených otázek a odpovědí:

What does it mean “permanent contract”?
It is an open-ended contract. It means that it is a contract for a particular period (e.g. 3 years), not a permanent one.

I need an extra part-time employment along with the SoMoPro full-time contract. Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible from SoMoPro programme point of view but you need to report it in the project proposal with an adequate explanation. At the same time you need to check at your host institution if it is possible and for what time they enable you an additional part-time contract.

What if I do not manage to obtain the ethical clearance within the deadline 30th November 2016?
It is possible to provide the ethical clearance additionally after the deadline, however an explanation must be provided in the project proposal with the expected date ,and if possible with a copy of the request as well.

Does the number of team members in the host /partner institution include all the staff members related to the project?
The number of team members should include only research workers who would participate directly in the proposed project. Therefore only the number of key team members should be stated (without auxiliary staff).



Steering Committee (řídící výbor) je poradní orgán programu SoMoPro a jeho role je zajišťovat vědeckou kvalitu programu. Je zodpovědný konkrétně za monitoring a schvalování procesu hodnocení a výběru příjemců grantu. Členové Steering Committee se účastní také pravidelného každoročního monitoringu přidělených zpráv z podpořených projektů.

Statut Steering Committee ke stažení

Složení Steering Committee:

Informace pro příjemce

Podrobnosti k řízení projektu najdete v příručce pro příjemce a v modelové smlouvě o poskytnutí dotace. Pozornost věnujte také vzorům průběžných a závěrečných zpráv projektů.

somopro 3 (5. & 6. VÝZVA):

EURAXESS - european network of services centres

Zahraničním výzkumníkům nabízíme pomoc s praktickými záležitostmi při příchodu do ČR a možnost konzultací. Služby v rámci sítě EURAXESS jsou poskytovány ZDARMA.

Podrobné informace najdete na našem webu v sekci EURAXESS.
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Martina Šatinská
e-mail: martina.satinska(@), tel. +420 724 803 394.    


Thematic RESEARCH priorities

Download Thematic research priorities.

Research domains and RESEARCH topics

Material Research

  • Novel materials (esp. metallic, polymeric, composite, ceramic and other advanced materials) and applications resistant to extreme conditions, corrosion, incl. materials leading to lower environmental impact, lower energy usage (e.g. lower weight), and re-usability;
  • Biomaterials and materials for environmental and medical applications, incl. implant-tissue interaction;
  • Non-destructive testing of materials and structures;
  • Nanomaterials and self-organisation of structures;
  • Safety and potential environmental and human risks of new materials;
  • Material fatigue, friction, wear and creep, modelling of material properties and their boundary conditions;
  • Surfaces and coating technologies, surface interactions, incl. heat protection and resistance.

Information and Communication Technologies

  • Data and network security, safety of critical infrastructures, cryptography; social dimension of cybersecurity;
  • Database systems and applications, advanced algorithms, data mining, especially for security and defence;
  • Big data and analytics, incl. bioinformatics;
  • Advanced mathematical modelling;
  • Artificial intelligence and cognition (content and semantics, learning in ontological networks, speech processing);
  • Computer architecture and networks;
  • Multimedia, video and application for creative industries (e.g. gaming).

Electronics and Photonics

  • Advanced and secure communication (radio, wireless, microwave, remote control) and data transmission;
  • Navigation and geolocation systems, including radars, satellite and pilot-free technologies;
  • Digital signal processing, incl. biomedical signals;
  • Power electronics, solid state electronics for conversion and control of electric power, incl. data transmission for energy distribution;
  • Smart grid and smart metering;
  • Sensors (incl. biosensors) and sensor networks, esp. low cost sensors;
  • Measuring techniques and systems, incl. bio-based technologies;
  • Novel approaches in research of charged particles and photonic systems, incl. correlative microscopy solutions;
  • Image analysis, processing and visualisation, incl. multimodal and integrated systems of image analysis;
  • Novel methods and applications in light and particle optics and imaging (esp. in cell imaging and imaging in fields bridging research in biological and nanotechnological fields);
  • Biomedical engineering, sensors for medical and environmental applications, including wearables and monitoring of health and life functions;
  • Integration of electronics with biological tissues, advanced biomaterials-based and bio-compatible electronics.

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

  • Materials and technologies for additive and green manufacturing, integration of conventional (subtractive) and additive technologies;
  • Digital manufacturing (modelling, simulation, visualisation, automation and process control, big data analytics for manufacturing);
  • Virtual prototyping, modelling, testing and predicting properties of materials and systems (incl. conductivity, insulation, electric  current isolation, heat-resistance, thermal stability, magnetic properties, hardness, vibration resistance, safety);
  • Robotics, brain and cognition, cybernetics, agent systems, emergent behaviour, cyber-physical objects, adaptive systems, human-machine interaction;
  • Technologies for efficient energy production, distribution and management; integrated energy solutions;
  • Novel approaches and applications of environmental technologies and engineering, esp. in water and waste processing and material re-use;
  • Bionics and bio-inspired approaches in engineering.

Biotechnology and Biomedicine

  • New biotechnologies for medicine, life quality and environmental enhancement;
  • Eukaryotic cell biology and biophysics, molecular regulatory mechanisms of ageing, disease development and cell transformation;
  • Multiple (genetic, life style, environmental, socio economic, psychological) aspects of aging and development of diseases, assistive technologies for ageing;
  • Structural biology and application of novel analytical methods, esp. cryo-electron microscopy;
  • Genome editing and protein engineering for future medical and diagnostic applications;
  • Clinically relevant biomarkers, improved and more reliable diagnostic and therapeutic tools, incl. improvements in automation of diagnostic methods and personalized medicine;
  • New disease-related pharmacological targets, molecular mechanism of disease,  genome instability and disease and identification of new diseases biomarkers;
  • Stem cells and regenerative medicine;
  • Applied research in public health and health data management;
  • Interdisciplinary clinical research in cardiology, oncology and neurology leading to extended healthy years;
  • Bioinformatics linked to novel genomic and proteomic technologies, incl. standards and data pooling.