JCMM belongs to the European Services Network - EURAXESS - with more than 200 Services Centres in 35 European countries. JCMM is one of two EURAXESS Service Centres in the Czech Republic. Currently there are altogether 10 regional contact points and three service centres (in Prague, Brno and Ostrava).

JCMM is running EURAXESS Centre Brno which provide information and assistance to researchers and their families regarding to their plannning and organization of their moving to a foreign country. The Centre provides assistance in all matters related to mobility. All services provided by the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. Practical advice concerning professional and daily life, as well as information on job and funding opportunities can be found on the EURAXESS portal.


Czech Services Centre together with its Local Contact Points (LCPs) offer:

  • information about jobs and funding opportunities in the Czech Republic
  • advice on 'reintegration' of researchers in their home country
  • help with entry conditions, i.e. visas and other legal requirements
  • information and advice on social security, health care - how to ensure adequate social-security, health and pension coverage
  • assistance in understanding taxation issues, insurance possibilities
  • information and assistance on everyday life matters in the Czech Republic, i.e. housing, language courses, cultural activities
  • family support - practical and legal assistance for researchers and their family members, i.e.schooling, child care

The centre cooperates also with governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations (i.e. MEYS, Ministry of Finance, Employment and Social Issues, Foreign Police Office, Czech Social Security Administration, etc.). 

All our services (except the leisure activities) are FREE OF CHARGE!