Brno Ph.D. Talent

Jakub Balabán

Twin-Width: Parameterized Algorithms and Structural Properties

Lector: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.

Institution: Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics

Field: Computer Science


About the project

The aim of the project is to study twin-width, which is a relatively new graph parameter. There is an algorithm that efficiently evaluates any first-order formula on graphs with small twin-width. However, this algorithm requires a certificate of small twin-width to be provided along with the input graph. Hence, the main goal of the project is to design algorithms that can compute these certificates.


Why science?

What I appreciate on science is that I can keep learning. It's also a creative endeavor: doing research in mathematics is a form of art. Additionally, I enjoy writing, which is crucial since it's important to clearly communicate new findings. I also love traveling and discovering new places, which my PhD allows me to do through conferences and summer schools.


What do I like most about Brno

I like the small city center, which isn't overcrowded with tourists. I also appreciate the public transportation, which makes it easy to get anywhere from anywhere. Overall, Brno has the ideal size: I don't miss anything here, yet it's not a big city.