Brno Ph.D. Talent

Zuzana Krátka

Matrix Metalloproteinase 9: A Critical Regulator of Disease Severity in Tick-Borne Encephalitis

Lector: doc. RNDr. Luděk Eyer, Ph.D.

Institution: Masaryk University, Faculty of Science

Field: Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology


About the project

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a disease caused by the tick-borne encephalitis virus, can lead to severe neurological symptoms due to blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and viral neuroinvasion. Elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), known to impact BBB integrity in other neuroinvasive diseases, have been found in the sera of TBE patients. My project will be the first to use in vivo models to explore MMP-9 as a key factor in TBE pathogenesis and a potential therapeutic target.


Why science?

I do science because I can’t imagine not doing it. I see the world around me and can’t stop myself from asking how it works and why it works the way it does. Every little thing about it fascinates me, and I feel honored to have the opportunity to explore these questions—not just for myself, but for others as well.


What do I like most about Brno

I’ve lived in Brno for almost seven years now, and from the moment I arrived, I fell in love with it. It’s a city full of life, yet it hasn’t lost its poetic historical charm. I love walking through its lovely streets, reflecting on life or my projects. As a city, it’s relatively small and cozy, yet it still has many places for me to discover.